Acrison’s Model 810 Bulk Bag Unloader provides a clean, efficient and effective means for discharging a wide assortment of dry solid materials contained within various size and type bulk bags. Especially effective discharging non-free flowing materials, the Model 810 utilizes 'controlled vibration' for emptying the entire contents of a bulk bag, typically into an Acrison metering mechanism. The ruggedly constructed unloader will handle bags weighing up to two tons; the bags can be disposable, reusable or lined.
Acrison's Model 820 Bulk Bag Unloader provides a clean, safe and highly effective means for discharging a wide assortment of dry solid materials from within various size and type bulk bags. The bags can be placed (lifted) into the unloader by a fork truck or hoist. When loaded with a fork truck, the unloader's structure includes adjustable bag rack guide rails with tapered side guides to help align and locate the bulk bag during the loading process.
Acrison’s Model 821 and 822 Bulk Bag Unloaders provide a safe, clean, dust-tight, and highly effective means for discharging a wide assortment of dry solid materials from within bulk bags.