Acrison, Inc., an innovative global leader in dry solids metering and handling technologies for over 50 years, has announced availability of their new Model 408-170-0 “Weight-Loss” Weigh Feeder with a specifically configured and highly versatile metering mechanism designed to accurately and reliably meter a very broad range of dry solids materials.
Designed with a footprint measuring a very compact 18 x 28 inches, the robustly built Model 408-170-0 Weigh Feeder includes a technologically advanced, exceptionally durable dynamic weighing system that is permanently calibrated and adjustment-free. High-resolution weight sensing is accomplished using Acrison’s Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver to instantaneously produce an unamplified, non-integrated, real-time weight signal for precise feed rate control by one of Acrison’s various multiprocessor controllers.
The Model170-0 is the metering mechanism of the weigh feeder, designed with a flat bottom feed chamber housing a horizontally rotating “conditioning agitator”, and a metering auger beneath for effective and efficient feeding of a wide assortment of dry solids. The Model 170-0 is also designed to self-empty when permitted to feed until empty, and includes a novel discharge port to allow the feeder to be emptied rapidly.
Feed rates range from several pounds upwards to approximately 20 cubic feet per hour, with continuous metering accuracies ranging between +/- 0.25 to 1 percent or better (error) at two sigma, based on a given number of consecutive one-minute sample weighments.
For more information, call 201-440-8300; Fax: 201-440-4939, E-mail: